CDL questions?

Brand new to forum. Been Driving for many years, many different trucks.
These guys are so right with PRE TRIP-PRE TRIP-PRE TRIP. Know your brakes pressures and how to preform a proper brake test. As a trainer, when your walking up to your rig say to tester/inspector when your about 50 feet away...I am taking a general over view, I see NO noticable fluid leaks and no noticable suspension leans, now I will start my inspection!
Remember to touch!!!! every lug nut. Mention things like tread depths,.. Use this statement a lot.. THE BLANK IS PROPERLY MOUNTED AND SECURE!!!!!!!!! If it a moving part..test it. A lighted part..light it. One silly thing is Fire EX.. mention the full charge, and DONT FORGET TO MENTION SAFETY PIN IS IN PLACE.
GOOD LUCK and God Bless
Frank Menicola