I think I f'd up

So you did a reach round to grab the nut of some stud ?? Congrats !!

...and did he yell when you did it? Seriously, though, some things on these old cars seem to have been conjured up by a magician, but everything there was engineered for a specific purpose. You just need to eyeball the problem as best as possible and then sit back and figure what you are looking at. Manuals are indispensable. Help from others who have "been there and done that" is also indispensable.

I found that people have a range of mechanical knowledge and ability that range from expert all the way to which-end-of-the-hammer-do-I-hold, yet they are all car people. I, for one, have learned about this stuff by studying, looking at manuals, doing, and asking for advice, all of which adds up to experience.

Thanks to FABO, I have learned more about our old Mopars than I had in the previous 40 years.