I think I f'd up

That was exactly my point. Everything is learned better when you have to figure it out for yourself. It sticks. Nothin wrong wif a lil guidance though....and tough love. lol
tough love, ok but when i first read your post that chewed the kids *** out i just assumed your were an asshole yourself. i was completely taking back by your disreceptful comment to the kid. as i read along further i see you have plenty of experience in the mechanical field and are a disabled mechanic by what i read in your profile and also have over 8000+ post here. also i see that your very knowledgeble in the field of mopar hotrods and respect you for it. so i'm also going to assume that your older and have a touch less ability to handle questions from someone who just bought their first car/hotrod. some how i don't see how he kept his cool with your comments but have to say he was a gentleman through the whole thing and learned alot about taking time to find out and do it on his own. i just hope he stays with the mopar hotrod community and continues to ask and take advise from all of us.
stokerscamp, please pick you words and make your comment respectful in the furture as we all would like to pick your brain as we incounter problems that we need your help on and you encourage us to find information in manuals and on line. repectfully, bOb