Anyone Ever Had a Car Sold Out From Under You?

Never for a car, but for a car trailer. I told the owner I was on the way with cash, but needed to stop at the bank first. Headed straight to the bank, called him 20 minutes later to let him know I had money in hand and was back on the road. He says he has someone else looking at it now and will let me know if it doesn't sell. I pulled over another 5 miles down the road and told him I wasn't going to waste my gas money driving another 20 miles if he was going to sell it out from under me before I got there. He then told me it sold.

I sold a pontoon a couple months ago. The fella was coming from 3 hours away to get it and asked if I would hold it till he got here. I received many calls in the mean time, but told them all to call back after the other fella had a chance to get here. 3 hours later the fella showed up and bought it.