We should build a Camaro for the car shows!

I've got an even better idea , and one which won't offend anyone other
smog nazis and environmental wackos :
Take the same proposed Monte Carlo ( or anything else from the "Automotive Dark Ages" of '75 - '80 ) and run two distinct tests :

- Baseline the car's performance with all of its smog junk hooked-up
( Catalytic Converter , A.I.R. Pump , EGR , etc. ) ; get its acceleration times and fuel mileage ;

- Then , remove all of that smog garbage and run its numbers again
( fuel mileage and acceleration ) ;

- Create a chart showing how much more efficient the car is without all of that power-and-fuel-mileage crap hooked-up .

That would have more of a positive impact than a design argument , imo .