Roll Cages: Chromoly VS. Mild Steel

VERY interesting!
However, to me there are some variables that come into play with this sort of debate that can't simply be rationalized away.
MS is easier to weld, less costly, more plentiful and to a point, more forgiving than CM. Around here fab shops make a distinction when welding CM vs MS and the cost is considerable. ow if you have a competent welding shop nearby, good for you, but many guys start their projects only to have it stalled for a variety of reasons which may lead them to take their car to another shop-and that's where the problems start.
Shop "A" may prefer TIG welding, as in the OPs case, but doesn't like the MIG welds already done on the car. Then what? Shop "B" may prefer MIG welding, is good at it & knows his customers aren't building max-effort type machines, so why use CM? If the customer insists on CM but can't afford the extra labor costs does he go with MS, svae his pennies for the extra labor, down-grade, his cage or what?
While I prefer CM my current project is MS only because of cost. My altered is CM but it's a faster, higher HP car than my Dart so I feel the "need" justifys the expense.
IMO, there's too much emphasis on this debate, forcing enthusiaists to feel they MUST have CM stuff or somehow their car is inferior. Somehow that just seems wrong to me..............