I got a damn ticket...

It was 7 in the morning, on the back side of the town I live in. I was going to work (construction, cash under the table) and I drive this road frequently to get there. It's a bullsh*t 3 way stop where no body is around at this time, (7am) except for this frickin cop. I was running late so I didn't stop all the way, I just slowed down and rolled through it at about 10 miles an hour...and there he was, I saw him and he saw me. So I pulled over knowing what I did and waited for him. Here he comes, license registration and insurance please. He goes to his car, comes back with a ticket. Damn, can't even get out of this one, can't even explain. lol

Got the ticket in the mail...$300 BUCKS?!?!?!?!?!?! WTF!!!? Really? I think this is outrageous....I can barely afford this expensive california rent, I'm livin on the bare necessities here, and can't /refuse to pay this...

Is there a way you think I should maybe...go to court? ask for a reduction in fines, maybe offer to do some community service to work off that fine?? Does /can the law system work like that? Do I request for an arraignment, which I'm not entirely sure what that is or do I ask for a trial and contest it?
Asking for a trial sounds expensive....is it true if the cop doesnt show, it gets excused?

anyone got any thing to say about this? lol

Hey i feel bad for you and i would go to court any little thing might help ( But remember the old saying IF YOU CAN'T DO THE FINE DON'T DO THE CRIME) good luck how every it works out