I got a damn ticket...

I had a buddy that just did the same thing you did (I'm in Cali too). He went to court to contest it (he said he contests everything. His mindset is "what have a I got to lose"?).

When he entered the court room, he said the cop wasn't there, so he thought he would be getting off without paying anything and the ticket would be thrown out. Then the cop showed up and my buddy started sweating (cause he knew he was guilty). After two hours (court docket was full that day), the cop left. The judge called his case to the bench, the cop wasn't in the court room, case dismissed. My buddy left without paying a cent and the ticket was thrown out.

Is there a way you think I should maybe...go to court? ask for a reduction in fines, maybe offer to do some community service to work off that fine?? Does /can the law system work like that? - There should be some info on the ticket regarding fighting it. It up to the judge what happens to you when you get there.

is it true if the cop doesnt show, it gets excused? - See story above.

It dont work like that in tx.