I got a damn ticket...

I have been known to pay some of my tickets in PENNIES. Carry them in with a strong bag or box and pour them out on the cashier's window. Tell her times are hard and this is all that I can scrape up... Money is money, they have to take it.

I got a parking ticket in a friend's neighborhood once. The no parking sign was a half a block up and I did not see it. I paid the fine in pennies. The cashier got real pissed and started bitching at the cop saying, "See what happens, you guys piss off people and I have to pay for it..." She got 1/3 of the way through counting the pennies and then said, "screw it, I trust you have them all here..." and let me go.

This won't get you out of the ticket, but get them as upset as you are. That is good enough for me. Then we are all even....