I love dogs, but what would you have done?

actually guys to tell you the truth... i have 4 dogs... and my back yard is like a mine field .... to set the record on which one is "okay" or "better" on your property....

when dogs urinate on grass.. it turns it yellow... enough times and you get a bold spot...
when a dog defecates on grass... you can always leave it there bec it cannot do anything but fertilize the grass... NOT saying to leave it there tho for obvious reasons.

NOW here with in lies the problem... its more convenient to have them urinate there.... this will not affect grass right away unless owner takes it to that same spot everyday... then it will turn yellow fast...

Or you have other folks walking dogs along the same stretch and dog number two wants to cover dog number one's scent and then dog number three comes along and... you get the picture.

I live between two elementary schools. The first one a public school, well within walking distance of the neighborhoods. It's a nice neighborhood, fairly quite, unless my nosey *** neighbor is sitting on her front porch trying to see if she can stick her nose into everyone else's business.

The dog walking doesn't bother me as much as the kids do, really. Every day I'm out picking up trash off my lawn, usually some sort of school work or candy wrappers. I've seen the little b******s kick my across the street neighbor's flowers. I've had kids rip my Christmas lights down.

I've watched folks passing through the neighborhood throw trash out the window.

And, yeah, I was fighting the dreaded yellow spots along my sidewalk for a little while this summer until I found the guy who was doing it and politely asked him to curb his dog. It's that simple.

To me this just about common courtesy. The parents of the kids who are being destructive towards others' property wouldn't give a crap if you followed the kid home and talked to his or her parents about how wrong it is to enter someone else's yard and destroy a flower bed that took hours of hard work to put in. They wouldn't give a crap about about little Johnny throwing his homework all of the street. They just don't give a crap because it doesn't affect them personally.

The Golden Rule went out the window ages ago and was replaced by a "me first" mentality. The cell phone talkers on the highway, even though studies show it's more dangerous than DUI. People walking between you and the store shelf as you're looking at a product to purchase, without saying "excuse me." People letting their kids run rampant and thinking nothing of it. Dogs barking at all hours of the night in a city neighborhood. It all comes down to "me." It's what "I" want and to hell with the next guy.