I love dogs, but what would you have done?

Those directly across the street from me have a huge black dog, looks like oversized Lab' I forget the breed name. It'll come over here and leave ahuge deposit on my front lawn. They feed him cereal, he poops cereal. I do own a shovel so it's no real problem.
The neighbors 1/8 mile down the hill took in 3 or 4 little short muts. One of them would back up and leave a nasty dump on the bottom door step. Then the wife would track this nasty onto cars floor mat. So when I would leave out It's light enough for me to see what had happened. I would see the wifes floor mat laying out by the mailbox too.
I walked down there, floor mat in hand, and told them straight up, "I will kill every one of those muts. Canned tuna laced with antifreeze will be out there before sundown". It was too. It wasn't eaten though.
Within the week they had a new chain link fence up all the way around their place.
Short time later I noticed there was only one mut in the fence. Seems they got enough of those nasty deposits too.
If the deposits had been over in the bushes, "Good dog" . Feed them nothing more than cereal, "good owner".

I've got yet another neighbor who while having his properly cleared let the dozer operator cross the properly line. Took out several trees and cut a path well over 12 feet wide and 30 feet long.
When I shouted for the dozer to stop and back up my good neighbor called me every name in the book. Count your blessings.