Anyone Ever Had a Car Sold Out From Under You?

You have to be ready with cash and move fast these days. I used to take another mans word that he was going to buy a car when he said he did. In the past two months I've had five people give me their word on a deal and then back out one way or the other. I ask for a deposit now and no one will man up. I feel bad for you if you intended on buying the car but like Joe said above, cash talks, bullshit walks. I won't save anything for anyone at this point unless it's a really close friend of mine.

For the record I've had it happen to me also. I've given my word, agreed on a price and one time was literally heading to get the car when I find out it's been sold. This summer when I found the Mr. Norm's Kawasaki I had a verbal deal with the guy to buy the bike at his asking price. I still felt he might sell it out from under me for another ten bucks so I sent a friend out to pick it up since I was out of town. 4 hours after making the deal I had the bike and hadn't even seen it in person but that's what you have to do sometimes.