She's LUMP! Restore or Part/Scrap? FABO Help!

:coffee2: Boy, he must be layin' paint . . . haven't heard hide nor hair from him for a while . . . he said paint falls Monday or Tuesday . . . . Yo!! John!! :poke: How's it going??? :hello2: Rog

Been poking away at last min prep.
removed pass fender marker lamp, turn indicator, pass side spear molding.
Got 1 small area to wet sand for level on drivers sail panel.
Worked on the Ferd ranger the last few days to no avail. Still here for sale and the price drops 100 or more every morning.
Last night I was trying to repair front bumper fill piece. I decided Hell with it, Lets paint!!! F that filler. Later we'll remove the front bumper, cut down the bumper shocks and reweld them 1" shorter to snug the bumper up next to the body, filler in the trash where it belongs. Rear filler stays but get painted too.
Thw weather people have only job you can get wrong every day and it's no big deal!!
Sail panel sand, then 800 grit wet overall for smooth mirror like finish.
If no rain will mask in AM, shoot AM- Noon, mad dash into barn, rain by tomorrow night.
4 days ago they were calling for mid 70's and sunny. Yesterday sometime they changed it on me to mid 60's rest of week rain every day!!
Went and priced paint and swag today.
Fawn (Baby Crap Brown) Y4 = $116.00 - $132.00 a Gal. depending
Gold Irid. Y6 = $Same price as above
Aztec Gold L6 = $161.00 - $184.00 a Gal. Depending

I'm opting for Y6!
I just can't let a color like Y4 ever be put into or shot out of my paint gun!......Never!!!!!

Later I'll add the custom shtuff on top for shows next year.:blob:
When I get done with all this, I can pack Daisy and get ready for the Sat morn run to Indy!!:cheers: