13" and 14" Barracuda Formula S Wheel Covers

Just an FYI because this thread hasn't went very well..........

You can get those caps here for under $100 each and they will be in restored condition.

This may help you with pricing. Argumentative sellers never sell anything...........


Actually, compared to the prices you see at Carlisle and the Nats, most of those prices on that website, seem way way too high. The exception is the 5 spoke mag style wheel cover that was a fairly rare option on 67 & 68 Barracudas and not available on any other Plymouths in those years. Nice examples of those are very difficult to find and can run around $250 each. The last set of 67-68 exposed lug nut style wheel covers I bought a few years ago I got for $10 for a set of four. They weren't perfect, but they were very presentable. I've never spent more than $50 for a single wheel cover. I know an N.O.S. wheel cover would be alot more, but the wheel covers on that site don't look like N.O.S.