How to tackle this?

OK you are correct you have posted quite a few threads asking for help with your car
and you have gotten more than a few good reply's, here is one more that I hope will help

it is important to keep a project like this under control, it is very easy for a small project that you CAN handle to very quickly turn into one huge nightmare that will make you wonder if it can ever be done, or if it is even worth it.

so it is important to START with a GOOD plan, no plan or a bad unrealistic plan will doom the best intentions to failure, this is the #1 reason good cars never get finished, the owner get's in over his head and the car just sits,

that said a GOOD plan needs several things, most important of which is "REALISTIC GOALS WITHIN YOUR ABILITY AND BUDGET" what you "want" and what you "need" are often at odds making this very difficult, you must be objective and weigh every decision carefully in order to come up with a GOOD plan

the next thing you need is a workable time frame, this usually means an open ended time frame, if you say it must be finished by "X" you are setting your self up for disappointment because you are not allowing for all life's little problems the WILL crop up at the worst time, AND (this is a BIG and) when you are constantly looking for the finish line it is easy to loose track of the progress you are making causing one to get discouraged, it is more important to look at the progress you are making and to keep that momentum going than to worry about when it will be done

last but not least is to do things in a logical order, mechanical things first,
safety, EG brakes, suspension, tires, lights,
reliability EG ignition, fuel system, fluids and filters, tune up
performance EG after market intake, cam, carb, sway bars,

cosmetic things second EG paint, carpet, seat covers, trim

by tackling these things one at a time you get the satisfaction of completing something every time you finish one, making the next project much less daunting, and keeping the whole process from spiraling out of control

finally never under estimate your own ability, none of this is hard to do and tools are not that expensive, sometimes it may take more than one try to get it right but a little patience goes a long way,
and dont hesitate to ask for help, there is plenty of it here if your willing to try