2012 ??????

2012 , ad seq. , will bring a paradigm shift .

My maternal grandfather told my mother many years ago that ( to paraphrase ) :
" Signs of the 'end times' will include global economies , new languages , and a treaty between Israel and Palestine [...]."
He made this statement back in the 50's . Sounds familiar ...

I have absolutely no fear of losing my material possessions to a superior being ; however , if "Barack the Peacock" and his cronies try to take what I've worked for , they'll catch a bullet ( no 15 day waiting period on shotguns ! ).

As far as numerology is concerned :
- There are 24 hours in a day . Therefore , the whole A.M.-P.M. time-telling is invalid when it correlates with a sequence of numbers which proclaim prophetic events
( referencing the "11:11" deal [ 23:11 ?] as well as the infamous "4:20" [does "16:20" count as well ?] )

- Dates for prophetic events are typically invalid as well . Only in the U.S. are dates written incorrectly ; every other country uses a
date-month-year sequence (today is 25-09-11 , for instance) as opposed to the month-date-year sequence we use here (09-25-11).

- Most of the numbers I'm interested in , include (but aren't limited to ) :
340,360,383,400,413,426,440,727,904 :glasses7:

I'm probably one-of-very-few whom almost entirely lacks the 'will-to-survive' . I have such nihilistic views ; little in this mediocre 3rd dimension does anything for me .

2012 : Bring.It.On.