Strangest thing found in your A body???

Wow! I had a feeling that this subject had been discuss before...But when I found little miss Black wida! I thought I would bring it up far as just A-bodies...heck any car will do...for strange items found...

I knew even before I saw the belly of the "widow" that it was a SERIOUS spider...
I found it in the bench seat, passenger side, were my kids sit...I knew that darn web, was from an agressive spider.

That's why I plugged the body holes, removed the seat and took a looksee!

I haven't killed it yet...go it in a old Kim Chee bottle.. The kids are totally facinated by the worries...that little bugger is going to starve, sufficate or dehydrate to death....slowly!:snakeman:

If there are any brownish balls about 3/8# diameter in the webs smash them too as those are the younguns. You don't want to be the guy who introduces black widow spiders to HI. I have a bunch in my building. BTW, brake cleaner spray or carb cleaner seems to kill them pretty well.