How would you guys go about this?



Well-Known Member
Jul 3, 2009
Reaction score
Sacramento, CA
I have a car. I have a windshield. I don't have a seal. I have an excellent glass place willing to get a seal and install it but they want the car at their shop to do it.

How do I go about driving the car there? It's a 20 mile freeway drive. Can I just duct tape the windshield on? lol
I,d find someone with a trailer and load it backwards. Either that or get a good set of goggles lol
There are companies that will come out but I don't trust any of them to install a windshield on an A Body. This company is the only one that has successfully done it for me.

I don't have insurance that would pay for it. I could probably pay $50 to get a guy I know to tow it but I wanted to try getting it there for free lol.
we have an old timer from Safelite come out to do all our glass work... he is top notch...

i would call them and ask for the old guy that knows how to do the old cars...
we have an old timer from Safelite come out to do all our glass work... he is top notch...

i would call them and ask for the old guy that knows how to do the old cars...

I already called all the Safelite's around here. Every one of them said they won't touch an older car.
Nothing will hold that glass in place temporarily. It is smaller than the opening and will fall in the car. I thought about wraping the edge of the glass with that foam pipe insulation stuff that has adhesive on it. Still there isn't a good way to hold it on the car.
Could you get a cheap piece of plexi-glass from the hardware store and lightly tape it in place ,stay in the slow lane doing the minimum speed and have the windshield in the back seat of car wrapped in a blanket until you get to the shop,Pray it doesn't rain also LOL
Sounds like I'll just have to pay to get it towed then. I do like the plexiglass idea. Maybe I could just forget the plexiglass and wear a motorcycle helmet? lol
put wipers back on .....fix them so that they are 1/4 up the window like they didn't shut off in the right spot and drive it will look like the cleanest windshield anyone has ever
Haha all solid ideas. Maybe I'll do the foam on the outside and drive with one arm while using the other to hold it in place with one of those suction cup dent pullers.
ask on our website if anyone can help you. We have a post section dedicated just to this. It is usually for cross country trips but I don't see why across town is any different.
Don't know about Cal. but here in AZ if you don't have a windscreen on any vehicle you can wear eye protection and drive it.
Really, goggles and drive.
Most rental centers have trailers you can rent if you dont have a truck it doesnt take that much to tow it 25 miles.
If you have to jam on the brakes the windshield will continue at speed weather you are holding onto it or not. A helmet with face shield would work. It works for motorcycles without fairing or windscreen.
good set of goggles thats how i did my dakota the window was falling in on it so i kicked it out and drove that sucker fro a week like that tell pay day then drove it to them thank god it didnt rain
how are you at driving in reverse?
or just tow it.
I'm with the video could be classic, Lawrence
In most states it is illegal to drive a car with anything covering your ears. Headphones helmets whatever. Cops want you to be able to hear a siren.

But I don't see why you can't just drive there with goggles on as long as you properly secure the window in the back seat.