I am sick of being sick

No, I don't want it to be this way but her mother always gets in the middle of things. This time I told them to call the mechanic and pay him to finish it because I am done. I need that child to finish the next two years of college and move far far far away from me. I am done just so done. I had a really nice mobile home with a step up bedroom and a sunken bathroom that I had totally remodled and gave it to her free of charge just to get her out of my house. She only has to pay gas and electric because we own the property. I would have kicked her a$$ to the curb but it would have cost me a divorce.

If your wife isn't on your side.... you do have it bad. I mean your wife is totally off in space if she allows her daughter cuss at you like that. I'd be telling her to pack her crap up and hit bricks as well. I might be a old time southern **** but the man SUPPOSED to be head of his household. I guess that's why I'm single. The ex tried to beat me down and make sure she controlled my every move. How'd that work out ...... not to good. I told her to get out of my house. The judge gave her nothing .... I mean NOTHING. The way you sounded in your first post that might be the best thing to happen is get a divorce. Yes it might cost you but at least you will have serenity and once again be happy. This type of stuff will mentally drag you down and kill you so be careful buddy.