Something cool happened to me yesterday.

So I commute to college in my dart because its my daily driver. I Had class from 1 - 3:15 just like any normal day. Chemistry i like it but it drags on. And this class was particularly long today. I dont know why but everytime i looked at the clock it seemed each minute took and hour. So i meet my brother in the student lounge and told him i was going to wendy's for lunch and asked if he wanted anything. So then i walked outside. my car was at the end of an empty row that was packed when i got there. Nothing unusual. I walked up to my car and i saw a note. I panicked cause it coulda been a ticket (was written on yellow paper) or a note saying someone hit me and given there insurance stuff. So i took it from my wiper and read it. Apparently when i was suffering in class a photographer was photo shooting my car. Wow haha its a beat up old girl and someone was taking pictures of it. I dont know but it was very cool for me first time it has happened to me and it really made my day. I emailed him and he sent me some of the pics and said to call him so we can do a full photo shoot of it (with it actually being cleaned tire polish ya know)

Yes the car is not restored. The guy who owned it before me wasnt the best driver either. didnt take care of it and didnt even put everything back together. But looks good in the pics