I feel guilty about something that I did tonight.

My wife was out of work for over a year and we had to choose between food and rent, or the payment on the Caravan. We hid the car for several weeks, I kept my bike in the back and parked far from the house and rode back, till we could save for a car on Craigslist. The payment was $600 a month and we got an old Bonneville for $800 that looked like hell but cost nothing in upkeep for 2 years. We also declared bankruptcy during that time.

But to the question of if you did the right thing or not. I knew that the car could be found at any time, and would not have blamed anyone else if it was repoed. As it was we called the finance company when we were ready and they came and got the van. They were a little surprised though because they thought it had been repoed weeks ago.

Were are finally doing much better though, but it sure takes a long time to dig out of this kind of thing.
