Need second opinion, Am I Crazy or Not

I have a buddy that was thinking the same way for his retirement. Now Brent is a guy who researches everything to death and spent a year looking into the full time Rv thing. I did it myself when I retired (for the first time at 38). I got bored and could not keep up to the 65+ party folks...LOL. Brent went on a one month RV shopping trip to AZ & CA. After he crunched all the $ and pros and cons. He and his wife bought a Nice top end SUV and went on tour. They found that buying a $100,000.00 plus RV, paying on average $30.00 to $60.00 to park it. was way more than traveling in style & staying in very nice places. Gawd forbid something on a desil pusher breaks and all the other cost. Mysel I bought a very clean Leasure Travel Class B with 17K miles and self supporting. It's great for the two of us, parks any place and the 5.9 is great on fuel. My advice is know what you want to travel like and look at it on paper. DON'T sell you Mopar, store it and yiou stuff until you settle or take it with you. It's way cheaper than buying a Provost bus with marble floors. I have found that once I get some place & camp set up. I'm bored, what's next? The adventure is on the road and being flexable economicaly. There are lots of great full time RV sites as well. Good luck & enjoy life.