barracuda convertible top boot

I copied redfishes pics to this thread--- the top 1 is my boot with my white dart boot, the other 2 are from aforementioned member (thanks for the picture).
I think it is for a barracuda-- although either homemade --or customized for the particular car it was on. I compared it to the dart cover I have & the width is almost identical-- no way it fits a big car.. I counted the snaps -- it only has 18-- my dart has 25 just around the top.
If only I could remember back to the purchase years ago--

It looks closer to the barracuda than the dart (shoot! it might chevy/ford?)-- round line towards at the back, it also has two pockets on either side for the backseat area. i'll get a picture of the underside later, most likely i was duped into buying something it is not & i cannot use. thanks for the discussion, Lawrence