Cars are not meant for this.

i hope the spinners fly off, boomerang back through the drivers window and decapitate the owner...
Hopefully there will be a video camera if it does happen.....

You oughr to check out Donk magazine.Makes that look tasteful..(LOL!)
And you are looking at that trash because???? :violent1:

I'm pretty sure my '84 D50 has a tighter turning radius than those cars. And the lil D50 is running 40x17-15" Tires (Actually it has a great turning radius, not quite as good as stock, but definitely better than a Stock Dakota and some cars)

The beauty of it is, My truck now has a bigger (pun intended and at the same time, not intended) purpose.... "Whoops, I'm sorry, I didn't see your ridiculous car and now my dodge ate it for breakfast" :D

Reminds me of earlier this summer when I was driving my '74 Duster and some guy in an S10 pulled up beside me. Huge Fugly Rims with Rubber Bands for Tires and a Faux Blower sticking up out of the hood and started revving his engine. My Duster has no call outs or stripes on it, just a set of 340 Tips under the rear bumper.

I was never much for street racing, but I figured i'd see how much i could embarrass the guy without trying or breaking laws. Meanwhile he's just screaming the small block that's in the S10, The light turned green and I slapped the shifter from Neutral to 1st and eased out with minimal throttle. Slapped it into 2nd and gave it some more throttle.... Hmmm, where'd my "buddy" in the S10 go? Oh there he is in the rear-view mirror :finga: :burnout:

I was howling with laughter at the next light and the guy in the S10 wouldn't look me in the eye, he quickly turned down a side street.

Or the time a young kid (i use the term loosely since i'm in my early 20's... but i don't like to be affiliated with most people from the same generation for obvious reasons) in a 60's Mustang kept trying to make me feel like crap, I ran out of gas a redlight (damn sending unit/gauge is funky, 1/4 tank is empty, slightly above 1/4 tank is full) He kept driving past me (and then turning around to make another pass) and laughing. I got pictures of it somewhere, he had huge rims and a fart can exhaust tip on the stang.

My dad and the local volunteer fire chief showed up with gas and we got the Duster fired up as the guy in the Mustang was making another pass... The look on his face was priceless when my 340 rumbled to life and the entire car shook from the nasty lope. He tried to light up his tires to show how nasty his car was, but instead stalled the engine not once, not twice but four times :oops: :D