Cars are not meant for this.

Only one thing worse and that's the booming sound usually coming out of them.........

Agreed. Don't get me wrong, I'm all for an awesome stereo system, but that's just wrong on so many levels. I'd rather hear my music, not feel it :D

Speaking of which, Last summer I had a guy in a Monte Carlo pull up beside me blasting that booming stuff and he yells over at me "Turn That S*** Down!" (I was playing Sabbath on my stereo in the Duster) That takes balls to blast that booming stuff so windows rattle 3 blocks away and then to tell someone else to turn down their stereo?! And it wasn't even that loud,I had it turned up enough that I could hear the music over the rumble of the 340, but quiet enough to hold a conversation.

A friend was riding 'shotgun' and I turned to him and said. "I think that guy wants to communicate with us..." (ever seen the jim carey movie "The Mask"? "I think he wants to communicate..") I promptly changed tracks on the CD Changer (ironically enough, the next song was Wasp - The Headless Children) and spun the volume knob up. 10 Channels of Stereo started playing the screaming guitar intro to The Headless Children :glasses7:

The guy beside us gave us the finger and started yelling and acting like a dbag.. Not that I could hear what he was saying :finga: I think he got the message cause he turned off his own stereo and went in a different direction. Why is it that my car attracts all kinds of idiots? I never have this problem when I drive one of my trucks.