Painless wiring???

I have installed various amounts of wiring kits in many different types of cars from Chevys, Fords, Mopars, Mercedes and even 1 old Ferrari. The easiest thing I found to do, if your replcaing the whole harness, is to forget everything you know about what wires are there and just go through the directions. It makes life way simpler. Also "pre-running" all your wires to where they need to go helps out a lot. Start with one section of the wiring at a time and dont get in a hurry. This is a case where the turtle wins the race. If you do decide to change some of the wires around, various colors of electrical tape are easy to come by. Wrap the wire every 6 - 8 inches and keep a diagram or change the diagram to what you've done versus what it says. I've installed several Painless kits, keep it clean kits, hot rod wires, and they all are about the same besides lil things here and there. I recently had a guy bring me a '36 Plymouth coupe and he bought a KMJ Performance wiring kit off eBay for $150 bucks. It was just as easy as the rest and it took me about a day and a half to get everything in and completely finalized. Hopefully this will help everyone out!