Is there a way to store carberator for a year or 2

Me and 6 high school friends have passed this 800 DP I've had around between us ever since high school. The going thing is to see how long we can keep doin it without a rebuild. I have since included a 7th friend in the loop and he has it now. It's one of them weird carburetors that speeds up everything it's ever been on. So far, it's on the original parts, kit and all and I bought it new in 1980. What we've been doing is, when it's removed, it gets turned upside down and let sit till it's dry. Then it gets sprayed down with penetratin oil and wrapped in plastic. I had it on my shelf in my gun safe almost 15 years. It's fixin to get bolted on sumffin real soon and I have no doubt it's gonna fire off and run like a sumbitch.