Who Wants to Answer Some Questions For me For My Class Tonight?!

I was raised as a lutheran i was confirmed a lutheran at 16 the pastor and his wife were true germans they cared about the congregation,my father and others helped build the church [buildings] soon the old pastor passed away the wife went back up north and a new pastor took over full of vigor he ran off most of the older followers drew in younger/richer followers,my father laid on his death bed in the hospital the pastor came to visit and ask my mother for an offering she threw him out after a verbal *** whoopin. Point of this is that church was a place of worship and fellowship back long ago now it's just another way into your pocket/bank account.I am not a religious person i beleve in god an such but i don't go to church [in the bible somewhere it says your body is a temple] if so why go to church it's with ya all the time.