Who Wants to Answer Some Questions For me For My Class Tonight?!

"1. Who is Jesus Christ?
2. What do you think about the Church? (That's the Church overall)"

Simple, but look behind the words-
Jesus Christ is who to whom-
The son of God to christians, another proffet (sp?) to the muslims, what exactly to the jews...?

Second, is simply an opinion with an easy look up on the web as to what you want to base your opinion on. This question is what your professor is really interested in:
the church is bad because of:
experience_____, the horrors accomplished by the (catholic) church in the name of God,
{my personal opinion is that horrors are committed in the name of anything}
it judges people, and yet they are hypocrites....
many reasons...

or is good because of :

the do good philosophy makes good neighbors,
charity help to the poor and others
creates structure to some social groups with _______ positive results,
personal experience___________,
{same any organization can do good as well in the name of______}

or both if you need filler
philosophical questions do not need raw data to fill in your essay but references siting facts is the OLD SCHOOL English requirement in years gone by
You could type it all up in twenty minutes with your feelings based on what you know

If you were a faithful insightful christian, you might ask yourself whether or no your professor is looking for some philosophy of his/her own-granting you an opportunity to witness to them. Bible thumping and You should do this...in order to...REALLY PISSES PEOPLE OFF THOUGH-either judging someone or elitism-ing (grammar)anybody is a sure fire mistake no matter what outlook or social structure