Who Wants to Answer Some Questions For me For My Class Tonight?!

I agree with Oklacarcollecto.....that's what I mean to say, I should have worded that better..."What do you think of the Body of Christ?"
Just that some people who are outside of the "Church" may be a little weirded out when I'm asking them about the body of Christ. LOL. I can hear and see the reactions now....what the heck, are some kind of sicko asking about christ's body.
No,no, that's not what I meant. LOL
Well, I think that's funny.
But yeah, totally on board with you Okla!

Religion is a touchy subject. I am old school when country and small town churches really did reach out in the community. Pastors worked jobs like the rest of the people. They were in touch with reality for the most part. Give me a small home grown church any day of the week over the TV churches.