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Religion is a touchy subject. I am old school when country and small town churches really did reach out in the community. Pastors worked jobs like the rest of the people. They were in touch with reality for the most part. Give me a small home grown church any day of the week over the TV churches.

Yep, I agree completely! Actually the Church I was at in IL before coming to Colorado for college was about 50 persons, but persons of great faith and not moneyhungry. The pastor acutally graduated from the same college I'm attending now.
Statistics show that most pastors will be both working a job and pastoring within the next few years....well at least in the Church of the Nazarene anyways.
Our college president was trying to work a deal with the local community college to start a program that helped future pastors get a business/ management degree to help start their own business while being a pastor. This way, the pastor lives off his own income rather than the Church paying him.
Kind of like Paul and tent making.