Who Wants to Answer Some Questions For me For My Class Tonight?!

In my opinion if a pastor fails to be out in the real world with other than the membership because he won't see the trials and tribulations... winessing real life situations (not just sitting behind a desk... continuing education to be qualified ...

I have must have gone to 50 different churches between 4 states and I have NEVER scene/witnessed that -
- everyone has been in touch with reality -
- except when my own pastor didn't recognize me once and was unreasonably impatient and rude while i was behind the register at the gas station i worked -kingsville, texas

the station was next to a bar, a college, and the projects
was on the corner of two roads leaving town...
and was the subject of theft, driveoffs, etc.
in a nine hour shift i could bring in as much as 30K thru one register selling gas, beer, food/fried chicken, ****, coffee/drinks, and money orders.

i had to have several pairs of eyes to prevent theft, start pumps, and sell stuff- that pastor would just have soon hit me as talk down to me that day

-but i'll give him the benefit of the doubt, who care's if some random person yells at you