Who Wants to Answer Some Questions For me For My Class Tonight?!

I happy that your following your calling i however have to agree MULLINAX95 religion has gone the way of everything else greed has become more important even in the house of god,we constantly have religion/jesus christ shoved down our throats. I for one can't stand a holy roller/bible thumper religion has it's place not at car shows/football games ect. If your a christian and my foul language,jokes,smoking bothers you don't hang around me i'm not going to curb my lifestyle for anyone.Super religious folks puzzle me when they say oh i'm in bad shape my electric is going to be shut off along with my cable and my rent is past due[spent all my money where dope,booze,hookers?] but god will help us through this [bulls--t i have never heard of god payin anyones bills] faith is a good thing to have in life but it don't pay the bills.I never do busness with any one who associates religion/god with their busness most [i said most] are just as big of a crook or bigger hiding behind religion to fool folks out of their money.These are my opinions not meant to offend any one, if religion was not profitable then how do these so called preachers afford all the fancy homes/cars/big wedding rings ect this is how [Somethin gooood is gonna happen to you today amen please send me 10 dollar donation and i'll put in a good word for ya to the man up stairs god bless.]And us stupid belivers throw money at him.