Who Wants to Answer Some Questions For me For My Class Tonight?!

I have a hard enough time taking care of my responsibilitys i don't try to help others who have chosen the wrong path, i feel i'm wasting my time when i could be doing something useful for my self or family [the best helping hands are at the end of your arms] I'm sick of seeing the state giving help to folks who are plenty capable of supporting themselves but why do anything when the state gives you everything [neihbors all 7 of them whom claim to be very religious even when smokin their dope] while there folks who are trying to make it with the little they make and the state snubbs them it ain't fair.I have been homeless/unemployed/pennyless/borderline alcoholic i worked my *** off to get what little i have ,god or faith had nothing to do with any of that i was determined to never be there again it's only a few steps away at any given moment and it's a struggle to keep my life on track but i have a family to support that and that alone keeps me going,i have no use for church or religion i beleve in god and that's it.