2012 ??????

Obama can't even pass a stinking bill that the republicans liked before he took office.
They want the white house back so bad they are willing to hose the entire country and the people living in it to get it back by making it look like Obama can't do anything for us.
Their favorite thing is to rant about how the people are getting screwed by the current administration while THEY are the one's who want to be doing the screwing.(like they were doing that got us in these messes in the first place).
I don't pick sides, I just see and investigate how it's played and make my own deductions from it.

Anyway, I don't think any human was, or ever will be smart enough to know when the world might end.
How could anyone ever determine that without knowing everything there is to know. (Past, present and future)
Why did the Maya's not predict their own demise, just everyone else's???

I'd rather ponder why every planet we have ever seen, or will probably ever see is round. (That's a big freakin coincidence)
And what exactly is the significance of all these round things that make up everything we know. (Atomic particles, atoms, planets, stars, suns)
From the smallest particles we can see to the biggest things we will ever see are round. Why?
Would this not be suitable reason to think that the universe is actually round and not infinite like they think right now.
Warm fuzzy thought that it is the endless creation of an almighty that loves us, but I can't buy it.
Humans have always loved to have beliefs and stories of things bigger and to be feared or else.

Personally, I think God is just a concept.
A concept for people to follow as a guideline for belief for their own comfort and socially acceptable behavioral guidelines.
I believe that the concept of "God" comes from inside each and every person that does the right thing, and helps someone who needs help.
Not from a book that humans wrote, or from a building with a bunch of people it that want to all tell each other how great God is.
We are God, each and every one of us, and I personally don't need to feel someone bigger than me is watching to make sure I do the right thing, to do the right thing.

(Science theory and Sermon over):burnout:

ALL politicians are hosing the country! Just not one party or the other, they are crroked as a dogs hind leg!