Don't get sick outside of the usa !!

She's a 2 way street ladies and gentleman. We have to carry private emergency medical insurance (not Canadian healthcare) whenever we go to the United States because the hospital bills could bankrupt us. If we have to go to the hospital in the US were told to bank on a $10,000/day bill for the stay which includes MRI's, CT scans and the actual bed and doctors bills. I had to go to a clinic in north Idaho for an eye infection this last summer and no they wouldn't take my Canadian Emergency Medical card there and I had to pay with a credit card. Cost me $500 for a doctor and clinic and 20 minutes of their valuable time. Got back to Canada and was reinbursed the full amount and was told that same clinic visit in Canada would have cost our health care system $150. So Who's getting screwed. As far as the hospital you went to missing out on a stroke diagnosis I can't say but stuff like that is rarily missed and I'm glad to hear you're getting better.
Oh I'm sure it works the same down here as you say but I just don't see why all the hassle if you have ins why you have to buy extra ins. They also just took my credit cards & even asked what my limits were on the credit cards. Seems like they were more worried how they were getting payed for their services. All I know I'll been going to the same place for 17 yrs in the fall ( fishing trip ) and this is probably my last trip.