Don't get sick outside of the usa !!

Here in AZ illegal mexican's and californian's both get treated better than that.:protest:

LOL and we get cheaper gas while in AZ, too!!!

Really, guys, healthcare costs keep climbing for a few reasons. My wife was a nurse, my sister is a nurse (former supervisor), sister-in-law is a nurse (supervisor), and one of my best friends is a doctor. Plus, I worked in a hospital for 6 years when I thought I wanted to be a doctor.....that experience changed my mind.

First and primary reason for increasing healthcare costs companies. They add another layer of cost to you. They also can refuse to pay for something that a doctor deemed needed such as a CT scan. If they refuse to pay for something, guess who pays? You do. Insurance companies usually make a profit, if they don't, they go out of business.

The second reason for increasing costs is ......litigation and malpractice insurance premiums. As the jury awards keep increasing, the insurance premiums for doctors, nurses, technicians, etc. keep increasing. It is common for a lawyer to include everyone possible as defendants in their client's malpractice suits. It happened to my sister. She wasn't even in the room but since she was the nursing supervisor for that shift, she got hit with a lawsuit. The next year, her insurance premium doubled.

Another reason is Obamacare which prevents companies from deducting the cost of their contribution to your insurance from their taxes. So now U.S. companies are passing more of the cost of YOUR healthcare to you, the user.

There are other costs that I could discuss but I gotta go.
