Don't get sick outside of the usa !!

first off, glad your ok! that the main here!

If you purchase "travel insurance", expect other countries to be skeptical and ask for it up front. For them it's about getting paid for services!
For the underwriter, it's all about paying the least amount possible! It's a business! Private for the most part! There is no universal agreement that says a private "Insurance" company has to pay for services to you (even though you paid for it)while you were there in that country! The country is looking after itself! and that's a shame. Humanity can suck!
You best read the fine print, hope the heck nothing happens to you there and take it from the behind for the premium to think your covered automatically!
Don't forget to cross your T's and dot your I's because you will need it.

ps - don't forget to have deep pockets for when you get home and go after them.