Who Wants to Answer Some Questions For me For My Class Tonight?!

Hey everyone, I have an assignment due in class tonight which requires a 2-3page paper as well.
These questions pertain to religion as well.
Well, here are the questions.
1. Who is Jesus Christ?
2. What do you think about the Church? (That's the Church overall)

That's it. Feel free to leave an answer whether you're religious or not, your opinions are very appreciated!!
Not trying to get any arguments started or try to get someone "converted" and what not.
Just want peoples opinions and answers.
Thanks everyone!! Oh yeah, if you could also leave your first name, that would be great too.

'64, Jesus Christ and his doctines represent the first time in recorded history that mankind challenged their overlords by declaring human beings are born free, and that the enslavement of mankind, which had prevailed for centuries past, would no longer be tolerated in God's eyes. The KJV is an intense history lesson detailing the struggle for mankinds independence from statists.

Ironically, he fought his most challenging battles with those he loved most, since mankind, during those days, wanted their Kings, who nearly always exploited their loyalty and enslaved them. The same thing is going on here in America today...

The primary tool for enslaving mankind was (as it is today) USURY, and this pitted Jesus Christ against the corrupt bankers and elite property owners during his period, which is why he "up set the money changers tables". He detested the concept of USURY, which was a tool to keep the rich in power and the poor enslaved. It goes unabated here in America, even today, unfortunately, but ignorance of scripture ensure the masses won't recognize it when it's being practiced under their noses.

Christ's demand for elevating all of mankind was intended to bring dignity and prosperity to those who had never experienced it before, and his benevolent approach to politics went against the grain of the power elite. He shunned 'eye for an eye' and replaced it with 'turn the other cheek', which instructed his followers to not engage in brutality to solve your disputes, since brutality always begets more brutality. Brutality is only permitted in defense. Unfortunately, his detractors chose the former because he had the courage to call them out in public and expose them for the scoundrels they were. He stood up for those that had no power and influence, and he was killed as a result of it.

This didn't make him weak, as he clearly stated that those who do not have a sword (a means to defend themselves and their family) should surely sell the clothes off their backs and acquire one. But he detested offensive violence as a means of intimidation by tyrannical rulers of his day.

Later, when Moses delivered the 10 Commandments, this document recognized and defined INDIVIDUAL rights, which was a direct challenge to the statists; monarchies; and dictators of His period. Christians have died by the hundreds of thousands over the centuries because they recognize Christianity as the only religion that puts the individual ABOVE the state, and therefore in direct confict with tyrants. It's also why they are persecuted enmass today, and, literally spat upon in nations rooted in other faiths, or those lacking it. If you doubt what I'm saying here, just do a deep dive into how the governments of other nations treat their citizens where ____________ is practiced. Plug in any faith, and then answer it for yourself.

Unfortunately, most Americans today, don't give a damn about the history of Christianity as they've been programmed to worship the statists, or engage in Churchianity (no explanation required). However, I can prove, beyond a shadow of a doubt, that the Founding Fathers understood the importance of defining moral code for Americans based on the teachings of Jesus Christ. It's also why they repeatedly chose the word "ordained" to describe our form of government. Our rights come from God, which means 'mortal' men have no right to revoke them. That's the crux of our struggle even today.

Now, many will try to challenge this by injecting the "separation of church and state" clause, however that clause was ONLY intended to prevent church leaders from engaging in abusive secularism (zealots), to the detriment of the citizens liberties. In other words, Faith and compliance to moral code was required, in accordance with the 10 Commandments, but NO secular movement would ever be permitted to undermine our Christian government and individual liberties.

Don't forget, the Founding Fathers were extremely sensitive to the abusive secularism practiced througout Europe, and they were bound and determined to preserve individual rights - in accordance with Christian doctrine. If anyone wants to challenge me on that, start another thread, and we can joust over it. In fact, I invite you to do so.

With regards to "the church" ? WE are the church. It really is that simple. The house of the Lord resides within us, and it's our responsibility to conduct our affairs in accordance with the teachings of Christ. In the end, unfortunately, it does kind of boil down to 'eye for an eye', or 'turn the other cheek'. A society filled with violence, or a society that forgives and forgets.

The other thing to remember here is (again), ADJECTIVES do not start or fight wars. Verbs are responsible for such activities. Don't allow someone to 'broadbrush' your faith with adjectives. Individuals with a corrupted interpretation of religion are at the core of blood purgings - as "religion" forbids such (at least the New Testament does). But I digress.

As others noted here, the concept of Church is now so institutionalized that Christ himself would probably order a few tomahawks to put things back on the right path (I'm joking of course), however, when the mega-Churchianity crowd comes knocking with their hands out, remember this" They aren't working on your behalf. They, truly, have become deputized statists hell bent on 'herding the masses' to support popular transgressions of our gov't., and bilking you of as much financial support as they can. They can also be counted on to promote such oxymorons as Judeo-Christianity, which, again, is a psychological tool to convince the masses they're 'like minded' theologies in the struggle for mankind. I don't remember ever reading about an epic event where Old and New Testament were....merged. Uh oh, sounds like another thread. What do you think guys ?
