Who Wants to Answer Some Questions For me For My Class Tonight?!

Southernman, you sound like a counselor,lol. I agree. Most people don't want to face who they really are under the masks they put on around their friends, family, in public, etc.
Another thing to think about: If God were not real, what kind of man would place all these so called "rules and laws and regulations" upon HIMSELF to keep from enjoying the things that we would call sin? Yeah, that makes real good sense. I mean, who wants to not partake in those pleasures, etc, etc?
Honestly, it was fun at the time, but now that my eyes, heart, and mind have been opened by Christ, it makes me sick to think about doing those things. Not to say I'm not tempted to go back to some of them, but through the power of the Holy Spirit I have the strength to say no!

I have been sober for 10 yrs now. I used to think (at the beginning of my sobriety) that God, Jesus (Higherpower) got me sober. As time rolled by I slowly realized through other troubles that I've had besides crack cocaine and alcohol that I was the one that got through them. I was the one who had to get up every morning and face the troubles I had (without drinking or drugging). I was the one that got past it. I did not pray about it. I never really thought about it actually. Finally life got better... it took sometime.

If I go back to drinking or drugging it will be MY choice and mine alone. It will not be because I have decided to quit praying or worshiping a Higherpower (God, Jesus). However I don't want to ever go back to drinking because... it will kill me. I know it will. I'm one of those that don't have another sobering up left. I almost died while I was out there. I have health problems because of it now.

I will never forget when I was young I asked my Sunday school teacher "But wonder if there REALLY isn't a God?" She said " I would rather go through life worshiping a God than not worship God and go to Hell." I have always been like why do I have to be afraid of God in order to worship Him? I found myself worshiping because I was afraid to go to Hell not because I wanted to worship God.

Anyways I'm not the smartest when it comes to this subject as you can tell. I just find myself in between God and just trying to get through life if that makes since.