Who Wants to Answer Some Questions For me For My Class Tonight?!

Hey DD, where I worship at, we don't care how you dress. I could come in my work clothes....smelling like weld smoke, dirty, steel toe boots, etc and I know they wouldn't care. The pastor wears blue jeans and button up shirts and used to be a welder, mechanic as well.
As far as smoking being a sin.....That is what the majority I believe believes. That's probably due to the legalism of the Church in the early 1900-1970's. However, there is nothing in the Bible that says anything about smoking...other than...non directly addressing the prob...."your body is a temple so take care of it" passage. I don't believe it to be a sin/salvation issue. And our pastor believes the same...it's not a sin.
As far as cursing...you're right....who's to say what words are what?? I have a buddy from Bible college that would say piss all the time. One day as we were talking, he was saying the word (which is in the King James version of the Bible) and I asked him if he thought it was a curse word. He said no, then I asked him if he would say the word from the pulpit to a congregation in a sermon. He said no. I said, then why say it at all? He really didn't have an answer to that. I just think that when the majority believes it is a curse word, that's how we should treat it.....because if you're in the Body of Believers, those outside want to see something different, the Church is supposed to be Pure and Righteous. Thus lays the problem, the Church is partially ridiculed because of peoples' actions, words, etc. But we have persons' in the Church that don't know what from what as well.....the Body is made up of people and those people are at different places/levels/etc in there walk with Christ. We are all still growing and everyone deals with different issues than someone else.
Another friend of mine, practically family, is an Awesome man of God. One day when we were working on something, he said the SH!@ word and I was like, what? Well, he is from Louisianna, and what I learned here at college is that, it also depends on the culture as well. He doesn't consider that a curse word, that's the culture he grew up in.
Just my 2cents.

Just a reminder, this was intended for a class assignment. No one is being judged or anything like that. And if someone is judging another from this...shame on them.
We are all on this site to be a community in what we enjoy....and that's apart from religion, race, gender, etc, etc. I don't care if someone that isn't a Christian or is a Christian commented on or viewed this page....you're all friends in my book and would gladly hang out with each one of you.....even without witnessing!!LOL.