New guy, new hobby

Ok, back in the game. Addy is doing ok. She had surgery to remove the top of her femur, and is recovering nicely. Took her to the beach about a week ago and she played for a good 30 minutes before her good leg got tired and she began using and exercising the bad one. In fact the other day she was actually playing tug of war with my pure German shepherd, relying solely on her hind legs. :) So in the time that I have been poor from paying for the surgery I have been sanding stripping and priming. My new fenders came in (from before I knew I was going to be scrounging for money.) Pulled the old ones off and there is some major damage to the fender mount on the driver's side. Deeply seated rust is a bit of a problem, but naval jelly seems to be doing wonders to the lesser pockets. Stripping paint when you can't afford to rent a sand blaster is quite the undertaking. I've been using a drill with a brush bit and going inch by inch, but it is SO MUCH more rewarding laying primer down on that shiny metal that I REALLY had to work for! Trying to figure out how the heck I'm going to strip the interior, just seems like it's going to be REALLY rough sailing for a little while, but it is always worth it after standing up and shining light down her sides and seeing that first smooth coat of primer.