Dyno'd the Magnum.

I agree that Edelbrock's QC is crap. I have a set of "Bolt on and Go" heads right here in their boxes waiting to go to IMM to be properly checked out and set up properly.

My problem is people buying the knock off parts and then coming here and encouraging others to do the same. This only keeps the pirates in business so that they can copy someone else's product and undercut another domestic manufacturer.

I can't say that I don't buy off shore made goods, but I try not to and certainly don't encourage others to.

This might be the wrong thread for this topic and I agree with you BrianT. I strongly agree to buy "North American" and that comes from a guy that daily work driver is a Honda FIT because it was the economical choice for the quality presented. I worked for my fathers GM dealship for years and GM in Oshawa, Ontario.

I did not post here to encourage other to buy off shore. I simply stated facts based on my experance and observation and some personal opinions on the big picture, as I see it. :oops:I like your feedback and please do not get the impression I support pirates or counterfieters but, It's a fact of industry these days. Buyer Beware/U Bee the judge. -END-