Who Wants to Answer Some Questions For me For My Class Tonight?!

Ok ya'll i have done many things in my life that i'm not proud of i've done my share of drinkin,chaisin women, drugs [****** od twice in a month damn near died the second time] god/jesus or lucifer may or my not have had any thing to do with me being here never gave it no thought, however i did learn that i was gonna kill myself if i continued the abuse it took a little longer to quit drinkin, been drug free since 1978 quit drinkin around 8 years ago,i have been homeless,broke,depressed ect. I'm here to tell you religion had nothing to do with it god/jesus does not pay your debts,rescue you from homelessness,won't help you win the lottery.Faith does give you the strength to overcome obisticals if you are religious i consider my self a good person i'll help folks if they ask me and i don't expect any thing for it,i don't care if you wear your john 3:16 shirts any where what i'm talking about is preachin to me after i say i'm not interested, handing out those annoying little books/fliers about religion, that's what i meant it's none of my busness to tell you what to do or think unless your in my space then i'll let you know where to step off, if you love god and are a bible thumper and your happy that's great i ain't interested in any of that. I was involved with the church back in the day before i started drinkin/druggin and several things ruined that for me and probly put me in the outs with god [some thing i have been trying to revirse for years] only i will know what awaits me when the time comes. I curse,smoke,and i'm an asshole thru and thru [been screwed too many times] but i have always worked to support my family and provide for them and putting them before me always,never cheated on my wife [my first wife cheated on me, i was tempted but did not follow thru] i have been married to my second wife for 25 years even with all my falts she cares for me dearly and i for her. I have no time for religion it does not fit into our lifestyle don't mean i'm not a beliver just don't go to church. Basicly i don't care what you do or think long as you don't try to push it on me save all that stuff for someone who cares i ain't interested. I beleve we are all going to heaven cause we are livin in hell right now [some of us are just a little more comfortable than others].