Flat head question (sorry)

Wasn't the point of the sub-plot in American Graffiti, that the flat-head drag racer knew his days were numbered when the out-of-towner with the new over-head valve Chevy (Harrison Ford) had him beat until he ran off the road? Of course that flat-head didn't have a super-charger. To me the most memorable scene was when he pulled it out of the garage and the kid said "you got the __ heads on", which he only used for racing. Only on a flat-head can you swap heads in 30 minutes. Even if they aren't the fastest, you have to love the old school hot rods.
The scene was when Milner "took the header plugs out", "expecting some action". No Flathead reference in the movie except when Milner asks a buddy (Pzudo) "what happenned to his Flathead". Milner ran a SB Chevy. Sorry have the movie memorized.