Coming out

Yesterday was National Coming Out Day. So I'm a day late. I'm a gay man.

Some of you who don't understand or approve will never change your minds, and I expect that. The reason I am posting this is because still today, young people are taking their own lives or being deserted by their own flesh and blood, just because they are different, and because their remains so much ignorance and misunderstanding. Maybe one person reading this will recognize that someone they love is also one of the different ones and will open their mind and heart to what that person is going through, and let them know they are loved regardless.

My parents are deeply religious. Looking back on my childhood, from very early on, they could see I was different. The life I have lived was not what a parent dreams for their child, and that was difficult for them. Fortunately for me, they wanted to understand, and educated themselves including going to meetings of PFLAG (Parents and friends of Lesbians and Gays.)

Sex is what two consenting adults do behind closed doors. Being gay is far less about sex and more about who you love. Every person deserves to share their life with someone they love. Someone to go to the drugstore for you when you're sick. Someone to pick you up from the airport. Someone to share a bowl of popcorn and watch a movie with. Someone who cares.

I don't want to start a big ruckus on here, as I said there are some who will never accept this. At the same time, I don't see why I should have to hide something which I'm not ashamed of. Thanks for listening.

I am thankful you are a friend and you along with others have given me great advice when I needed it. I do not judge you or your lifestyle. You are who you are a nice and caring person and I hope you never change. I know this wasn't easy for you. You are a strong person and stay that way. I hope to meet you one day and shake your hand.