First wave... Oi...

So yeah, yesterday I was in best buy and caught this smell of something unholy and dead smelling as this guy was standing next to me. Thought it was his breath or something, I get home and catch the scent a couple more times but can't locate it.. thought it might be my lungs smelling nasty cause I recently quit smoking and am on the patch (step 3 almost there yahoo!) then I start getting this itch in the back of my nose... the sensation like you were eating spicy ramen noodles and hork'd a noodle out your nose...

This means one thing, I'm about to get sick. Guess that's what the smell was, I wonder if you can "smell" virus or whatever... you sure as heck can smell bacteria.

Either way it's day 2 and I'm sick, in and out of nyquil comas with trippy dreams following them :D... getting a bit better but still slightly feverish and nose is goopy as heck. Don't you just love how winters come with all sorts of crazy baggage? Cold, Flu, putting on 30 pounds, your wallet/funds mysteriously disappear and you just want to become a bear and hybrinate.