Anyone know my carb jet size?

Yes. Appreciate the info. I can order different sized jets for this carb from some specialty vendors.

To get the current jet size I have to tear into the carb to find the numbers. I was hoping someone knows the jet size before I tear into the carb so I could have the larger jets available when I do the deed.

Are alternate step rods available? Perhaps out of an earlier year?

I am a recent owner of this car. I drove a 74 Valiant with a 318 years ago. My car is "hurting" compared to the almost new vehicle I drove years ago. I ran a bunch of gasoline detergent through my current car and performance has improved greatly, but is still lacking.

It was 51 degrees here this morning in Louisiana. The hesitation in this car until it fully warmed up was surprizing. First time I have driven the car in this cold of a temperature. I know I have carb/choke problems.

I also want to correct the "lean and retard" calibration typical of 1974 models. I got some lighter springs for the centrifugal advance. I'm looking to reverse the "lean."