Moral Dilemma: The Drink

Hey everyone I've been having trouble getting help on this issue because I'm in a pretty unique situation... I am a 20-year-old college student and everyone knows early 20s is THE age for drinking alcohol and partying. But due to my religious beliefs (Islam) I have chosen to abstain completely from alcohol (got drunk once just to see what it feels like but vowed to never touch it again after that). Not that I consider it "OK" but I do smoke pot on occasion and have experimented with other things I feel can have benefit in certain situations; for the most part though I feel I am "getting over it" and I realize that drugs are mostly just a waste of money and brain cells. The issue is that my friends are all atheist/agnostic and have little to no religious background so as you can imagine they party pretty hard, and I have a difficult time making them understand why I believe what I believe. What makes it really tough is the fact that I have known them for over 5 years now since the beginning of high school and I love them to death; we are a very tight-knit group of friends, even others around us have commented on how close we are. So I'm not about to just walk away from them and look for others to hang out with. Luckily since I just started attending CU-Denver (which is a much bigger and more diverse school than the one I was attending before) I have started meeting other Muslims. But I still spend most of my time with my old friends and it is getting very frustrating and difficult having to be around alcohol and drunk idiots every single time we hang out. Have any of you guys on here had to deal with anything like this growing up? I know at least a few members on here choose not to drink and I would like to know how you still socialize and have fun, because I KNOW it's possible to do without alcohol or drugs.