Anyone know my carb jet size?

I found this "out there."

JETS: Jet hole sizes are in 0.003" increments, and range from 0.071" to 0.116"
JET NUMBERING: Carter - First digit is 3 or 4, 3 if jet < 0.100" and 4 if jet is => 0.100" The last two digits are the same as the jets' hundredths and thousandths. Example: Jet # 371 = 0.071", #401 = 0.101" Edelbrock has jets up to 0.116" (#1434). The part numbering is different than Carter

So if your memory is correct, I have 0.092" jets.

I just ordered new 0.095" jets off of Ebay. If your memory is incorrect, I'm out all of $10.00 (which includes shipping). Do you feel lucky today, Punk? Well, do you?:D

Thank-you for the help.